Support Member Standard Plan $250 per year
Online Support Membership Benefits
- Directory Listing
- Link to your website
- Open House Map Locations
- Qualify to attend a ‘Seat Specific’ Power Hour by Invitation Only, from a Regional Core Member
- Limited speaking opportunities
- Regional Associated Real Estate Events, Sponsorship’s and Marketing Opportunities to Realtors
- Coffee Sponsor: Provide Coffee for Event or provide a $25 Gift Card for a Realtors Drawing; additional member recognition listing on ad flyers and social media postings.
- No meeting attendance requirement or responsibilities
- $50 non-refundable application, with a short ‘vetting’ process to insure valued service to Realtors and the REST Regional Chapter. Annual Membership $199.
- Support Members are not seat-specific; multiple members can hold a seat within any category and enjoy an online presence, LINKED back to their own website.
- New Support Members can automatically attend their first Real Estate Power Hour event, and qualify to attend other Power Hour events, when Invited by a Core Member; to network, present topics of interest, and introduce the value of their products & services, they provide to the Real Estate community.
- Support Members can attend Power Hours held in any Region, with that Regions Chapter President’s approval.
- Invited Support Members to the Power Hour are asked to confirm their attendance, to help insure attendees to the Power Hour are Seat Specific. Support Members with services pertaining to a specific Educational Power Hour theme may be invited to share their expertise, display marketing information, and Network with Realtors, and attending Affiliates.
- Support Members are not required to attend meetings or have leadership responsibilities.
Two ways to join: